wtorek, 13 grudnia 2011

Zapoznajemy się z państwami uczestniczącymi w projekcie Comenius. / We are familiarizing with the countries participating in the Comenius project.

Już znamy flagi wszystkich państw partnerskich i potrafimy je prawidłowo wskazać. / We know the flags of all the partner countries and we can identify them properly.

Nasza flaga Polska / our flag Poland

Republika Czeska / Czech Republic

Irlandia / Ireland

Hiszpania / Spain

Pani Nina czytała bajkę o Św. Mikołaju. Dowiedzieliśmy się kiedy Św. Mikołaj daje prezenty w Republice Czeskiej, Irlandii i Hiszpanii. /Teacher Nina was reading a story about St. Nicholas for the children. We learned when St. Nicholas gives gifts in the Czech Republic, Ireland and Spain.

Pani Małgosia pokazała nam dużo interesujących ilustracji na temat Św. Mikołaja w różnych krajach / Teacher Małgosia showed the children a lot of interesting illustrations about St. Nicholas in different countries

sobota, 10 grudnia 2011

Before Christmas and The Nativity Play we are learning and singing carols.
There are several of them below:

„Wśród nocnej ciszy” (Midnight's Silence)

"Bóg się rodzi" (God is born)

"Dzisiaj w Betlejem" (Today in Bethlehem)

The teachers' choir Coro Cantorum in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Here they are singing christmas songs in the collegiate of St. Michael Archangel in our city.

wtorek, 6 grudnia 2011

Santa Nicholas in our kindergarten

       In our tradition Santa Claus, in Poland Santa Nicholas /Święty Mikołaj/ leaves presents under the pillows of all the children. Today when children wake up they looked under the pillows to find presents what Santa Nicholas left them at night. Santa Nicholas is also coming to our houses in December 6th.Today Santa Nicholas was in our kindergarten too.

At first Santa Nicholas was waiting for everybody who came to kindergarten and he gave sweets

Santa Nicholas met with every preschoolers in the biggest classroom of our kindergarten

We were dancing and singing together. We had many fun :-)

Then Santa Nicholas brought the gifts for every groups

On this photo one group is looking what Santa Nicholas brought for them

Regards from us and Santa Nicholas !!!